GOM Pod Private Preview

GOM Pod Private Preview@GOMPPP


Season 1 episodes (9)

OTC Pain Relievers and Hotdogs

OTC Pain Relievers and Hotdogs

A mix of annoyances in one episode. How effective and safe are Over-The-Counter pain relievers? Do Hotdogs really require some of the ingredients that are in them? How much personal hygiene products are we supposed to waste? Here’s a few links for more info if you want: https://www.goodrx.com/classes/nsaids/nsaid-list https://www.drugs.com/tylenol.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidocaine



New, Shorter intro. Earth is a planet that floats around our solar system. That constant motion causes, what we call, weather. It’s normal and natural. Earth has been having heat, snow, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. for EVER. But if you listen to the media, it’s new and catastrophic. Hype to get you excited, so you watch, and they bombard you with….you guessed it….commercials! El Nino, La Nina….it’s all BS. It is 2024, I’m not suggesting that you go out and buy a weather rock. But some of you must be watching this garbage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_rock



This is a delicate subject that wasn’t easy, but just had to be addressed. You’ll just have to listen for yourself. I certainly hope I was fair and respectful.

Buy it again

Buy it again

The “Good Old Days” are called the “Good Old Days” for a reason! I miss them. I get that there is not enough sheep, wool, cotton in this world for all 8 billion of us. I get that we needed to invent nylon and polyester just so we could make enough clothes for everyone. But that doesn’t make it any better than when we did have enough. Consumer products used to be good quality and lasted. Today, they are junk that break or quickly become obsolete. Funny how they managed to drain as much money from us as they could with an old product just in time for it to become obsolete because a better one just arrived. Think vinyl, 8-track, cassette, laser disc, CD, DVD, now mp3. They did seem to profit on each and every one. I’d bet they could have skipped a few steps but hadn’t milked us enough yet. Not yet convinced. Well, they also did it with TV. Black and white, then color, SD, then HD, then 1080p, then 4k, now what? 8k? What are we up to? iPhone 15? Microsoft thinks your dumb, Windows 11…yeah right, more like 20! Think your EV is the ultimate. Guess again, in 5 years it’ll be obsolete and something else will be better. Todays consumer products are designed to fail or become obsolete. Most can’t even be repaired when they fail. You are supposed to send them off to recycling or a landfill and buy a new one. We used to worry about the amount of garbage we were creating. Now garbage is our friend, it makes our companies and their shareholders rich.



Air travel is routinely touted as being the safest way to move from one place to another. Not surprising when you calculate the number of deaths to miles traveled. Each flight covers hundreds or thousands of miles so the denominator is large. But the same is true for rail too. And they no longer even publish travel by ship. Which you can expect to also be low. Simply put, any form of travel other than being on the road in a car, truck, or motorcycle is very safe. Unless you are in a helicopter. The problem, and the focus of this episode, is that travel by air unlike others means is a huge pain in the neck and loaded with inequities. From the cost to the inconvenience to being treated sub-human, it could all be much better than what we accept. If we weren’t always in such a hurry, other means of travel are way better. And if this country was as leading edge as they want you to believe, then we’d have rail service much like Europe and Japan. For more facts on safety…https://www.bts.gov/content/transportation-fatalities-mode Check out Newark Parking rates, you’ll be surpised…https://www.newarkairport.com/to-from-airport/parking



Obesity is prevalent in America today. It wasn’t always like this. Things have changed in the past half century and not exactly for the better. In this episode, I share some observations that may explain some of the “why”. Spoiler alert. It is not entirely your fault if you are overweight. There are devious forces out there trying to keep you that way. Special thanks to: Dr. Sten Eckberg for his YouTube channel that’s packed with helpful info. https://www.youtube.com/@drekberg The Cornell Lab of Ornithology https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/ USA Facts https://usafacts.org/

Internet Articles

Internet Articles

The Internet is broken. Many already know this but many others are not yet aware. Here’s my attempt to shed some light on one aspect of the Internet that is wasting the time of millions, possibly billions of people on unneccessary fluff.



The last episode was about a couple things that seem small to you but add up to be huge for the companies selling them. This episode it about one really huge issue and a handful of examples to explain what is really going on. Once you know, you can never go back.

Profiting off of you

Profiting off of you

A couple seemingly small things that are making corporations billions of dollars. But probably shouldn’t even exist but for the fact that you as the consumer are footing the bill. Things an honest company would say… “There’s no profit in that, next.” But the greedy, money-hungry company says… “How can we fool the unsuspecting consumer to pay for most of this?”.